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get started on trauma recovery.

The trauma recovery journey is divided into three phases. Choose which phase is most appropriate for you.

learn simply

Phase 1

Clients and podcast listeners often tell me that simply learning the Polyvagal Theory provided them with an explanation they needed. One that is free of judgment or blame. It opens their ability to get to the next phase.

Polyvagal Intro

Polyvagal for beginners

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Safety Learning Hub

safety course

trauma relief playlist

unhealthy coping

nervous system blog

trauma relief course

Justin's most popular freebies.

Polyvagal intro

quick and easy Polyvagal launchpad


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Polyvagal Theory meets mental health.


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Stuck Not Broken: Books 1 and 2!


Learn the Polyvagal Theory clearly, write a new self-narrative without judgment, and build your safety state.

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