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Is it Possible to Come Out of Polyvagal Shutdown?
Yes, coming out of a Polyvagal shutdown state is possible.

Just You. No ego, no shadow, no parts... / SNB 149 poster and show notes
It's just you. No ego, no parts, no shadow. Show notes and poster for episode 149.

Gabor & Maté - Wisdom of Trauma Series
The discussion between Porges and Maté was great. I have the video for you, a quote compilation poster and a whole bunch of quotes that...

When therapy clients say “I’m good”
with teen clients comes “I’m fine” or “I’m good” or even “It’s Gucci” (barf btw) when I ask them how they’re doing at the beginning of a s..

Uncontrollable Shaking When Crying
Have you ever experienced this? Shaking uncontrollably while you're crying? You're not the only one. My therapy clients often bring this up.

Therapy retraumatization
Therapy is supposed to be a place where people can go to work through emotional or cognitive obstacles. Sadly, clients sometimes find...

I've Tried Everything & I'm Still Numb!" / SNB140
INTRO - In this episode, I discuss… Having tried everything, shutdown and numbness and how safety can actually lead to defensive...

Be patient. Getting Unstuck Takes Time.
Reminder - Be patient! I am willing to bet that you're more than a bit frustrated or anxious with your process of getting unstuck...

"Polyvagal Safety" Book Review / SNB136+
Why you should and should not buy Porges' newest book - "Polyvagal Safety."

You're Thinking, Not Feeling / SNB 138 quotes and show notes
Something that is keeping you stuck is thinking and not feeling.
Ask StucknautBot!
StucknautBot is an AI trained on Justin's knowledge of the Polyvagal Theory and how to apply it. If you can't find what you're looking for through Search, try StucknautBot!
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