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Be patient. Getting Unstuck Takes Time.
Reminder - Be patient! I am willing to bet that you're more than a bit frustrated or anxious with your process of getting unstuck...

High Stress Jobs & the Vagal Brake / SNB 136 quotes & show notes
If you work in a high stress job, you MUST make sure your distress tolerance is strong enough...

Safety Cue Dependency? / SNB 135 quotes & show notes
In this episode, I discuss what safety cues are and how to help therapy clients develop the ability to notice and savor them...

the Equipment of a Stucknaut / SNB118
A Stucknaut doesn't go into their internal adventure empty-handed...

Trauma Recovery: How to Start Getting Unstuck
Discover practical strategies for getting unstuck and making changes.

A Mom Reviews Building Safety Anchors
I got this extended review/testimonial from a single Mother that took the course that might provide some real-world context...

Validation isn't exactly easy or natural, maybe especially considering one's upbringing. You may not have grown up in...

My Self-Regulation Through Anchoring Example
(This originally appeared in the January 2021 edition of Stuck Not Broken: Quarterly free ebook. To get it, just sign up for the email...

5 Things Humans do to Keep Themselves Stuck
What's with the difference in self-regulation capacity and what do humans do to prevent the natural process of self-regulation?

Things Can Literally Get Better
My attempt to break down your belief that change is not possible.
Ask StucknautBot!
StucknautBot is an AI trained on Justin's knowledge of the Polyvagal Theory and how to apply it. If you can't find what you're looking for through Search, try StucknautBot!
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