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4 Mental Wellness Options: Basics, Coping, Building Safety, and Getting Unstuck
Mental wellness is overwhelming. Learn about the 4 Buckets to help focus your efforts and identify growth points.

Growth Mindset is Not the Solution and Fixed Mindset is Not the Problem
I agree that mindset is important. But I think it's misunderstood and prioritized way too high. It's A problem, but it's not THE problem.

Emotional Regulation: Allow or Do?
Discover the intricacies of emotional regulation through the lens of Polyvagal Theory. Understand the importance of allowing emotions.

Deb Dana's Essential Polyvagal Theory Contributions: Bridging Science and Trauma Recovery
Delve into Deb Dana's pivotal role in Polyvagal Theory, unraveling complex concepts like the Polyvagal Ladder and the interplay of triggers,

Our Polyvagal World - Worth Buying? - a Book Review
Is "Our Polyvagal World" worth buying? Overall - yes. But it's got a couple of major problems.

Connect to Survive: Appeasement Replaces Stockholm Syndrome via Polyvagal Theory
Learn how appeasement fits into the Polyvagal Theory mixed states.

Silence: an Essential Mindfulness Ingredient
I will share a simple but essential mindfulness ingredient: incorporating small moments of silence into your daily routine.

Can't Sleep? Unravel the Connection Between Stress and Insomnia.
Explore the link between stress and insomnia, discover strategies for better sleep, and improve mental health. Learn the science of sleep!

Navigating 3 Stages of Trauma Healing: a Polyvagal Perspective
Discover the 3 stages of trauma healing with the Polyvagal Theory to help you on your journey.

The Benefits of Play for Adults: 7 Ways to Play
Add more playfulness to your adult life! This guide highlights the benefits of play and offers seven engaging activities to try.
Ask StucknautBot!
StucknautBot is an AI trained on Justin's knowledge of the Polyvagal Theory and how to apply it. If you can't find what you're looking for through Search, try StucknautBot!
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